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Alexander Semin on being playoff choker, contract with Caps

Alexander Semin on being playoff choker, contract with Caps

Alexander Semin on being playoff choker, contract with Caps (Photo © Luis M. Alvarez/Associated Press)

Alexander Semin talked with Slava Malamud of Sport-Express about being a playoff choker and his contract with the Capitals.

Here is a quick translation.

Semin: “I can’t get into the Caps bosses’ heads. I don’t know what they are thinking. Even if they trade me, so what? I’d finish the season somewhere else, then become a free agent. But I have been here for five years and I like it. It’s comfortable here.”

Some say that you are a playoff choker. What do you think?

Semin: “They can say whatever they want. I think that a player must be a player everywhere – in the regular season and in the playoffs. You know, it happens when you have no luck and it just doesn’t click. And what, should I think what others are talking about at the moment? You have to play the same way in every game. Why would you change something in you? I don’t understand how you can play one way in the regular season and another way in the playoffs.”

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