Saturday, July 27Every Day Is A Great Day For Hockey

World Championship – Russia loses to Slovakia in shootout, 1-2

Russia loses to Slovakia in shootout, 1-2

Russia loses to Slovakia in shootout, 1-2 (Photo © AP Photo)

A shootout goal by Pavol Demitra gave Slovakia the edge over Team Russia in the Olympic Hockey tournament‘s round robin. In the Group B standings Russia retains the lead with 4 points, but with one game more than Czech Republic, who beaten team Slovakia yesterday.

Bykov’s team had some chances at the start, especially with a shot from the high slot by Alexander Ovechkin, but Jaroslav Halak saved all the 10 opponents’ attempts. 8 saves so far for Ilya Bryzgalov.

In the second period Alexei Morozov scored the 1-0 goal with a good one time from the right circle after another bad powerplay show by Team Russia. Bykov’s team controlled most of the play in the middle stanza and got twice near to the second goalie, first with Maxim Afinogenov, then with a great rush by Evgeni Malkin, but Halak was ready in both plays. Team Slovakia had some chances too, but Bryzgalov has been steady and kept Russia up by one goal.

In the third period’s start Team Russia killed a double powerplay for the Slovaks. With the teams back on even strength Ovechkin had a good counterattack chance, but Halak once again saved his team.

Midway through the period Slovakia tied it up with a shot by superstar Marian Hossa, who put the puck between Bryzgalov’s pads. The match was played at good pace, but it didn’t see any other big chance.

The third period ended with the teams tied at one and thus the match is going to the overtime, in which the teams didn’t manage to be dangerous.

In the shootout Jozef Stumpel and Ovechkin scored in the first three attempts. Bykov tried different shooters later, Malkin, Ilya Kovalchuk and Pavel Datsyuk, but it didn’t work out. Thanks to Halak’s saves and Demitra’s goal Slovakia could celebrate a deserved win.

Here is the video of Demitra’s game-winning shootout attempt.

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  • IlyaD

    Slovaks played a descent game. Their goal was very nicely done. Now, assuming Latvia will loose all of it’s matches, Russia HAS to get a win over the Czech’s, or at least an over time win…if not, we will not qualify…
    This game was so intense I was freaking out every other second of it.

  • Alessandro Seren Rosso

    A defeat is good for Russia now. We needed a lesson and Bykov needs to change something in his game plan. I’m confident we will beat the Czechs and win the Group B.

  • Cosgraves

    Feel like a moron for picking Russia to win this tourney. If hockey was just about skills they would win everything but its about heart and desire and as usual in the NHL playoffs or on the world stage the Russians prove they dont have the strength of character or desire to actually give it all they have.
    thank you for denying me a 13,000$ payday you weak fools. the debate is forever over. Crosby is better then ovie and Canada will always be the greates team in hockey.
    Disgusting effort Russia, disgraceful, they will be out of tournament very soon

  • Alexander Zaitsev

    I agree with Alessandro, this loss is good. The only thing that upsets me is that Bykov hasn’t tried new lines. I’d like to see something like this:
    Ovechkin – Malkin – Semin
    Kovalchuk – Datsyuk – Morozov
    Radulov – Fedorov – Afinogenov
    The fourth line should be benched, lol.
    Seriously, what’s wrong with Kozlov? His stickhandling was awful (quite surprising), it looked like he was very nervous.

  • vm35

    @Cosgrave, why don’t you bet everything you own on Canada winning gold, and Crosby scoring a winning goal… just so you can jizz all over yourself in ecstasy. Them losers south of the border only managed to win by 2 goals against Switzerland, Canada did so, sooooooooo much better!!!
    I guess all Ovi has to do is learn how to punch guys in the nuts, have groin injury every other month and a get a Russian center who has no heart for the game, yet somehow manages to win Conn Smythe…. Only then he will be in the same class as “the next one”.
    Dude, go bet something quick for Sunday’s, US vs Greatest, Awesomest, Bestest team ever, ever, ever and forever. I’m sure Canada will show silly Yanks what hockey game is really all about… Crosby will shine as he always does he’ll do something “clutchy” … Millbury and McGuire will have a collective orgasm on national TV and you will win ur money back… just like in fairy tale.

  • Cosgraves

    Well Vm I wont be cheering too hard when Canada does win because i have Russia to win the tourney for 13,800 us dollars,, I dont bet more that 100 bucks, i have Russia as the last pick left with a tonne of other correct picks. I was expecting Russia to dominate this tournament or at the very least play with heart.
    Russia always looks tight in international play and like they are not having any fun. I thought that ovie would be the one guy who could fix that, who could get them finally playing with passion.
    Instead we got one hell of a poor unispired effort and even their own coach said so. I also hate it that some dink like kovalchuk turns down 100 million when he has never even proven he can play under pressure and in this tourny he is showing why any GM would be a fool to spend that kind of cash on him.
    So im expecting a 3-2 loss tommorrow night and a trip to the qualification playoffs, maybe once everyone has given up on this team they will perform or as i expect they wont care a damn bit and all talk about how great they will be on home soil in 2014.

  • vm35

    @Cosgraves, Dude, you are a moron!!!
    First of all I wouldn’t bet 13 g’s I can’t afford on a hockey game, if I could I wouldn’t bother leaving somewhat useless comments on message boards.
    If you never really believed in a Country and/or team to have a heart or have what it takes, you must be pretty stupid to go against ur own beliefs. Also, you might wanna check in with ur local gamblers anonymous, it is obvious you cannot afford to gamble, so for your own good go get help.

  • vm35

    If anything I have learned in this life is “not jump to conclusions”, I don’t particularly like Kovalchuck, yet if he actually sings with Jersey for less than what Atlanta has offered him… would you and so many others admit that he was in it for the game, for the Cup, for actually trying to accomplish something rather than being Marcel Dionne (he does have ways to go to be M.D) of Atlanta. I do admit he might be a greedy prick, we will find out this summer.
    Just to be logical, you must know and realize that upsets do happen, Canada lost to Switzerland in 2006 . In fact in Turin Canada did not even medal, would you actually have the balls to accuse Jarome Iginla, Mike Richards, Martin St. Louis Dany Heatley, Shane Doan, Joe Thornton, Scott Niedermayer, just to name a few of having no heart?!?!?
    Gold medal hasn’t been won yet…. you might still get ur wish/money.

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