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Alexander Semin: “Why pay attention when someone provokes you?”

Alexander Semin:

Alexander Semin: “Why pay attention when someone provokes you?” (Photo ©

NHL star Alexander Semin gave an interview to Russian newspaper which was translated on the popular Washington Capitals‘ blog Japers’ Rink. In this interview he talked about the upcoming Olympic Games in Vancouver, about 2008 WC final match and about his composed personality. Special guest of the interview: Ovechkin’s dad. collected the most interesting parts of the interview.

The Olympics are approaching. Are you nervous?
Semin: “There’s no need to get butterflies. That might even hamper you a little bit. You just need to go out on the ice and play, like any other game. If you remember Quebec, well yeah, the finale is the finale. There was seething passion and excitement. But when the game starts, everything disappears. And really, the match against the Canadians was not as interesting as it appeared, not like the group meetings with the Swedes. When their defenseman injured Morozov and Ovechkin made the game-winning goal with six seconds left in the game. But I won’t say that every team is able to win gold when they’ve lose 1:3 and 2:4. So the finale really shouldn’t be underestimated.”

You made two goals then. Yeah, I’m sure, that was the best game of your career.
Semin: “I just made two goals. Nothing outstanding. There was no use philosophizing about it, we had to go out and win and that was all. We had to play as a unified team.”

Did you see [Pavel Datsyuk’s] shootout shot against Chicago?
Semin: “I heard that Datsyuk once again toyed with the goalkeeper. That doesn’t surprise me, that’s his style.”

Minutes later appeared Alexander Ovechkin and his dad Mikhail.

So what animal could you be compared to on the ice?

Semin: “Now there’s a question! I’m not going to answer that myself. Uncle Misha! (Ovechkin’s dad- TH), what would you compare me to?”

Ovechkin’s father replies only after a pause: “A panther! There’s something feline like about Sasha’s game. And how about how he scored that goal against Philadelphia? He crept in and – bam!”

It’s obvious that your connection with Alex Ovechkin will be kept for the Olympics. Even Sasha himself says that it’s easier for him to play with you than anyone else.
Semin: “We really know where each other is going and where they will be open. We can make a pass without even looking.”

Alexander, you really do give the appearance of an unflappable person.
Semin: “Why pay attention when someone is trying to provoke you during a game? You can understand why they are doing it – to make you lose control of yourself so they can get a man advantage. For me, all these jabs and insults are just a bunch of baby talk.”

Where do you prefer to rest up in the summer, in Krasnoyarsk or in Miami?
Semin: “Definitely at home. I really don’t like to fly a lot on vacation. I get enough of the nomadic lifestyle in the NHL. But you still think about someplace to go off to, where there is sun, sea and water. After one trip to Turkey I’ve lost interest in trips like that. Krasnoyarsk is my home. I can rest body and soul there. I spend 4-5 months, all summer there. Miami-I’ll go lie on the beach there for a week after the season is over. There’s not really anything to do there. It’s boring.”

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